-Nick: Ore, Oreo, Orez
-Main jobs: BLM 75
-Support jobs : RDM 74, WHM 37
-Past linkshells: Ultimate Synergy, EDEN
- Dynamis Progress: All clear but Valkurm and Tav.
- ZM Progress: Complete
- CoP Progress: Complete
- Assault Rank : Superior Private
- Nyzul floor : 0
- WoTG acces areas: not all
- merits: not enough
- sky and hnm experience: Yes both
- will you join our limbus run?: yes
- any significant craft: CC
- timezone and avarage playtime: EST and before work which is 8pm mon-thurs and 7pm on sunday
- who can vouch for u in TDG?: Drazil, I know Kingkorrit also
- why our linkshell and not another one: looking for HNMs and time availablity
- goals whit our linkshell: get more experience with HNMS and work towards better gears
- Personal message :