-Main jobs: PLD and THF
-Support jobs : WAR and NIN
-Past linkshells:Rhapsody,TheDarkGuys
- Dynamis Progress:All access
- ZM Progress: Done
- CoP Progress: Done
- Assault Rank : SP
- Nyzul floor : 1?
- WoTG acces areas: most need a few maws :3
- merits: sword 8/8 shield 4/4 enmity 4/4 chivarlry 1/5 sentinal 1/5 crit hit 2/4 feint 1/5
- sky and hnm experience: sky alot HNM not so much
- will you join our limbus run?: yup
- any significant craft: WW60 so nope
- timezone and avarage playtime: MST im available to play 10am-9pm EST
- who can vouch for u in TDG?: well there Erefie... Kineada.... and everyone else in Dynaffs
- why our linkshell and not another one: i was in this one before but left do to times and not the williness to do all event, but that has changed now i have more time and want to do more in the game besides dynamis
- goals whit our linkshell: tank some big shit?
- Personal message : Dont eat yellow snow comes to mind