-Main jobs: MNK75 SAM75 WAR75 (PLD68)
-Support jobs : NIN37 WAR75
-Past linkshells: HNMs none rly
- Dynamis Progress: Dynamis Xarbard acces and need Qufim for Tav
- ZM Progress: done
- CoP Progress: done
- Assault Rank : LC
- Nyzul floor : 100
- WoTG acces areas: any
- merits: alot lol
- sky and hnm experience: sky i have craps loads HNM not too much but smart enough to knw what to do.
- will you join our limbus run?: if i have time yes
- any significant craft: nope
- timezone and avarage playtime: EST mostly nights depends on work but im on alot
- who can vouch for u in TDG?: tbh im not sure but im pretty theres someone in there that knws me.
- why our linkshell and not another one: Feels right that i jin ur LS idk why but i just knw its where i should be.
- goals whit our linkshell: be the best MNK i can
- Personal message : I knw u guys might get alot of app's everyday but i want a shot at something new and i hope u guys give me that opportunity.