-Main jobs: THF WAR DRG
-Support jobs : BRD-NIN
-Past linkshells:Outlaw and Dreamcatcher
- Dynamis Progress:all access
- ZM Progress:DONE
- CoP Progress:DONE
- Assault Rank :Captain
- Nyzul floor :45
- WoTG acces areas:All
- merits:all jobs 75 NIN WAR DRG BRD THF Fully merited
- sky and hnm experience: yes
- will you join our limbus run?: I will try
- any significant craft:No
- timezone and avarage playtime: CST 4-9hrs depending on RL
- who can vouch for u in TDG?:Joee
- why our linkshell and not another one: Joee insured that this linkshell is Ellit and understand how to have FUN!
- goals whit our linkshell: whatever i can do to /assist im there
- Personal message : Smile your alive today