-Nick: Trev
-Main jobs: Mnk,sam,rdm,drk,pld,thf,drg
-Support jobs :all
-Past linkshells: Outlawz, Freelot
- Dynamis Progress:
- ZM Progress: Done
- CoP Progress: Done
- Assault Rank : Coropral
- Nyzul floor : 45
- WoTG acces areas: Cait Sith
- merits: capped merits in mnk,sam. MP on rdm
- sky and hnm experience: Yes
- will you join our limbus run?: Depends on the time
- any significant craft: No
- timezone and avarage playtime: CST, 4+hrs a day
- who can vouch for u in TDG?: Joee, Ank
- why our linkshell and not another one: My brother is joining you guys ^^
- goals whit our linkshell: have fun
- Personal message :